Shadow Sketching 1

art tip creativity nature sketching Aug 23, 2020

Who is the ultimate artist?

For me, Nature is the ultimate artist and I look to Her for peace, mindfulness and creative inspiration. Join me for a shadow sketching demonstration that I stopped to do while out taking a walk.  Video🡫

Visit The Inkspired Life Creavity Youtube Channel


What are some of the ways that Nature inspires you?  
Share some love and tell us your creative or mindfulness tips in the comment below.

Grab a cuppa and enjoy the video.

Peace & Live a creative & Inkspired life!   -Jason

PS....     Are you a watercolor OR sketch artist who LOVES to take road trips and paint nature, but hate having to carry several backpacks and cases filled with sketch pads, brushes and other equipment?

Imagine having ALL of your supplies in a compact, lightweight , easy to carry-along kit so that can find a nice spot, the perfect tree, sunset or body of water ...settle in and begin painting.

To SAVE you time figuring out what supplies you need, I put together a checklist along with links to the art supplies that I use in my travel kit.

Click the button below to receive your FREE pdf checklist.


Get Your FREE Travel Art Kit Supply Checklist

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