…Hey there everybody. This is Jason with another episode of the inspired life. Where I'll be giving you some creative. Tips on mindset. Painting sketching. And just looking at the world in different in wondrous ways to help fuel your creativity. So for today I'd like to talk about something I call blank. Paper. Syndrome…Have you ever stared at a blank sheet of paper or maybe it's a blank canvas. And wondered where to start. What to paint what to draw. What does sketch. Um it happens to me all the time To be honest with you it's just, it's just part of being a creative. Ideas don't always come easily They don't always flow. We have to work and develop and build creative skills and mindsets. So today's tip has to do with. Crushing blank paper syndrome, and I'll have more tips about this in other podcasts. But tip number one is what I call "med-ink-tations" Inc. Tations…Uh "med-ink-tation" is just a way of…getting your creative flow. Kind of started. Um, What'd you need to do this is a blank sheet of paper. or a canvas It's up to you. Um some music I like to listen to maybe just some peaceful relaxing music. And a timer…So I typically set my timer for two minutes…Close my eyes…And then I just put my pen to paper. And let the pen wander. It just drifts aimlessly around the sheet of paper. I'm not thinking about what I'm drawing. Uh there is no end goal other than to just get your mindset into creative state of flow. You know sometimes we've had a rough day or a billion different things coming on I know I always have a lot going on. And we just have to get into that creative mindset. So. I found meditations to be a great way to shift gears. You know to get away. It's a step away from the activities you've done during the day. And just to put yourself. Kind of a. And put your mind at on a blank page right It's refreshed. Reinvigorated and renewed. So today's tip is try meditations. And uh yeah I hope I hope this helps you. I love to know what you got out of this If you do "med-ink-tations"…Uh share with me your your thoughts or your comments. Um, As a bonus tip. Um sometimes what I like to do after I do meditation. It's all look at my sheet of paper. You know basically it's a lot of scribbly lines. Sometimes it'll be a continuous line drawing where I just let the pen drift without picking it up. But I'll take that sheet of paper…And I'll just look at it. I'll spend maybe another two to three minutes. Looking at the paper…Looking at it from different directions and seeing what I could see in the shapes. Sometimes you could see faces in the shapes animals. Maybe patterns. Um, It's just another kind of trigger. To say okay Brain…Okay Hands. Okay Heart. We're now in our creative state, let's get cracking. So um, here there you go That's today's tip. Try "MED-INK-TATIONS" to just get your creative flow going. By the way if you happen to be out and about and not in your studio. Um one of the things I like to do is always carry a travel journal with me. So I'm really really fond of using the travel field journal. By LOCHBY. LOCHBY me uh is an awesome company I've bought many of their products and for anybody listening to this podcast, I just want to offer you a special discount. If you purchase anything from a LOCHBY. And enter the discount code. INKSPIRED1…You can get a 10% of discount. On any…regular price item. Um that would be awesome if you purchase it It helps me out I get a little commission off of each purchase Um yeah, so I do recommend LOCHBY. The check out the show notes for more information. Thanks a lot and I appreciate you all have an awesome awesome day…