The Inkspired Life - Podcast
Episode 01
JUNE 22, 2021
All right so I'm kind of sitting here thinking I have this podcast I want to do. I have a kind of a title: life creativity and pursuit of ice cream but I'm not sure just thinking out loud I don't know what big theme song is ready to go and no notes in front of me. So just kind of sitting here thinking what to do what to say. I know I want to be called Inking Out Loud (found out name is already taken) because I'm going to be a spur of the moment off the cuff to start tips about mindfulness creativity life all that good stuff and that's gonna be spoken I think just from the heart and from my mind you know maybe what people on if they're interested in and talking sharing their stories so I would love to do that.
I'm just kind of sitting here right now it's like staring at a blank sheet of paper and getting ready to do a sketch not knowing what to sketch and how do I begin. Sometimes I can listen to music for inspiration give me ideas a give me a certain energy levels when I'm going to create something. You know the different soundtracks create different artworks and different images come to mind so you know music is really good inspiration for getting started.
Sometimes colors maybe I'm feeling vibrant and I want to do something bright colorful break out some fluorescent acrylic paints or fluorescent markers. You know it it's an emotion, right? Color equals emotion and feelings. Sometimes it starts with a color when I look at a blank page.
This is a podcast about creativity and mindfulness inspiration for that. You know maybe it's really not that different on starting with a blank sheet of paper and want to do something about artwork. You know I don't really think it is different you know it's just it's tapping into our experience as well we sense around us our emotions are you know taste, touch, feel, sound, sight.
And time you know time plays a big role in a lot of things I do you know trying to capture moments in time and that's one thing I love about why I sketch, capturing moments and feelings and places in time. And I hope I can do that with these recordings.
So yeah think that's kind of where I'm at right now so let's see where this goes let's through the journey takes us . For me it's really not about you know it's not about the final result. It's about the creative journey you know from A to Z. It's what happens from between A to Z that is really the moment embracing the moment that some for the journey is the fun the excitement the challenges struggles are all within that period of time. ]
So let's not focus on the end result let's just focus on the act of creating and the process of embracing and celebrating moments. Okay. I hope you can join me on this journey and we'll see where it goes and what happens and you are a huge part of it because without you listening I would only be talking to myself and that would be kind of weird, although I do that a lot but it's more fun and engaging if I have you guys actually listening and participating. You know leave feedback and comments for me I love to know what you think so let's go down this creative journey of thinking out loud together.
So welcome to this non musical intro first attempt at putting something out there. The music will eventually find its way in because I love music.
Hey guys thank you for listening I will be back with more positivity and creativity tips on life creativity and the pursuit of ice cream. Why 'ice cream"? Good question I knew you'd to ask that. Ice cream for me is about childhood. You know, reliving childhood moments of just carefree and fun times. I think if we adopt that playful approach to everything we do in life whether it's working or creating art, Being or just you know enjoying time with friends and family. It really has it and seeing the world into through child like yeah wonder really can have a change in the impact on on how it affects your day to day life so that's kind of why put the ice cream at the end, And, I do have a slight obsession with it as well. LOL.
I'm sure I'm not the only one out there.
Raise your hand I see I see is hand out there I know it's I'm not the only one. Ao we'll talk a little bit about our playfulness and how that all works into it and we'll do some taste testing as well different flavors of ice cream . Alright guys thank you for listening again please leave comments feedback for me I'd like to know what your thoughts are. Welcome to episode number one on a Inking Out Loud (note: name changed to The Inkspired Life) with Jason Nicholas that's me.
Hey guys this soon have a great day.
By the way, this is sponsored by The Inkspired Life is my website feel free to go to it check it out. I like to do while I'm doing online workshops I have some artwork on there. There's a blog as well.
Pay forward with creativity.
Peace and live creatively!
Well I'll talk to you soon you'll hear me soon however this whole podcasting works. Take care guys. I am actually waving at the computer screen right now.